Diamondjake Ballooning - Rides


Typical Balloon ride

On a day with favorable weather, we will meet you at a pre-determined location. For morning flights we meet about a half hour before sunrise, for evening flights we meet about three hours before sunset.

At the meeting location, we release a small helium-filled balloon to determine the winds aloft. When we know the wind direction, we decide which area is preferable for our launch, then drive to that area to find a suitable launch site.

At the launch site, we assemble the balloon, and inflate the balloon with cold air blown in by the inflation fan. After the balloon is full of cold air, we use the burner to warm the air inside the balloon envelope. As the air warms, the balloon stands upright. After the balloon is stable, the passengers climb aboard. Departure photos are taken, and we lift off!

After the balloon departs the launch area, the ground crew collects all the equipment left behind and then drives to get ahead of the balloon. If the passengers have friends or family following along in another vehicle, they are provided with a radio so they can listen in on the conversations between the pilot and ground crew. This helps keep them informed while the crew maneuvers to stay where the pilot needs them.

The passengers enjoy a view of the countryside that is unparalleled. Except when the burner is firing, the flight is silent. From several hundred feet above the ground passengers can hear people calling out to them. Wildlife including deer, and coyotes are often seen running away from the balloon. If the balloon is over open countryside, flight might be just a couple of feet above the surface. Over congested areas like towns, the balloon must maintain a minimum altitude of 1000 feet above the highest obstacle.

After we have flown for around 45 minutes, we must start looking for a landing spot. The ground crew drives ahead of the balloon and tries to contact the landowner where the pilot intends to land. The pilot descends close to the surface, and touches down as gently as possible. If the wind is light, the balloon remains standing after landing, and the pilot and passengers simply wait in the basket until the crew arrives. If the winds are too fast to remain standing, the balloon will lie down and pull the basket over onto its side. After the balloon comes to a stop the passengers simply climb out (usually they need to stop laughing first!)

When the crew arrives, the balloon is disassembled and loaded into the trailer. After everything is packed, the passengers, crew, and bystanders are treated to a toast of sparkling juice after the balloonist’s prayer is recited. This concludes the flight experience. Total time from meeting until the toast is usually about three hours. Total time in the air is usually between 45 minutes and an hour and 15 minutes, depending on weather conditions and available landing sites.

Safety is our first concern, and figures prominently in all our flight decisions. After determining we are safe, we do everything in our power to make the flight as interesting and enjoyable as possible for everyone involved.

Thank you for choosing Diamondjake Ballooning!